
Monday, January 27, 2020

Tiruvaheendrapuram-Devanatha Swamy temple- Cuddalore - Divya desam

This  divyadesam of Lord Mahavishnu is situated in Cuddalore near Chidambaram.
Aheendiran  ( Ananda Azhvaan Adiseshan) worshipped Perumal here and the place came to be known as Thiru Aheendrapuram.

The serpent God Adisesha made a well in this sacred place by digging it with his  tail as per the instruction of Lord Vishnu as He was thirsty. This well, known as Sesha theertham can be seen in the outer prakaram of the temple. There is an idol of Adisesha on this well .  Read that devotees make offerings of milk, turmeric ,salt in the well akin to that is offered for serpents on anthill. But presently I saw this covered and locked. The water from this well is used for making Prasadam for the Lord here

 There is also a theertham brought here by Garuda which is a  free flowing river at the backside of the temple known as  garuda Nadi. Water from garuda nadi is used for Tirumanjanam.

 The Utsvar is known as Deivanatha Swamy.  Lord's consort is Hemambujavalli. There are shrines for Ranganatha Swamy ,Andal, Ganesha, Rama and  Rajagopala Swamy.

 Opposite side of the main temple there is a shrine for   Lord Hayagreevar which is situated on a small hill known as Oushadagiri. It is full of medicinal plants. It is believed that  when Hanuman carried the Sanjivini hill a small portion fell here, The  temple here is frequented by students as Hayagreevar is  embodiment of knowledge and learning.

It is believed Desikacharya stayed here for about 40 years doing penance in the  Oushadagiri hills . There are special niches here for the great Acharya and Manvala mamunigal .

More details here and here

Opening time 6 Am-11 Am
4.30 pm -8 pm.

                                                                      Garuda nadi

                                                        Hayagreeva shrine


  1. Thanks for writing about this famous shrine.The two hyperlinks given by you led us to more details about the temple and its importance.The mangalasasanam by Thirumangai alwar and the residency of Swami Vedanta Desika for 40 years add to the holiness of shrine.The pictures are good as usual.


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